
America’s energy policies

Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012 11:33 PM


Over the past four years, there have been a variety of comments that have been made by our president. The one comment that really made me sit up and listen was that, “Crude oil is a thing of the past.” I really don’t know how that will happen, not in my lifetime or a lot of other people.

There are some very simple factors that control the amount of petroleum products that are consumed by the public every day of our lives, starting with a variety of fuels that operate modes of transportation, land, air and sea, when you think that every piece of machinery that makes products that we use every day, from a vehicle to the food we eat and then returning to a warm home has to have some form of lubrication to operate. Oils, grease, fluids are required for machinery to run smoothly.

Another factor that determines how much petroleum products we use is a combination of supply and demand of the public. As our population increases, as it has after the last census, the demand rises for more available supply of products. Every time we increase our population we have more young drivers that are of driving age. Years ago, families had only one or two cars. Today families may have four or more vehicles that are consuming petroleum products.

So, to answer the question, will crude oil be a thing of the past, more like into the future and beyond. What I find funny about that answer from the president is that he has been flying around the country and beyond in Air Force One since 2009. A 747 takes a lot of jet fuel to operate every day. I’m sorry; I just can’t get my arms around that one.

Dave Bensmiller

