
Misguided, misinformed fearmongers

Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012 11:33 PM


I have tried very hard to hold my comments these past many months, what with all the misguided, misinformed and fear mongers who have written letters to the editor. Let me state up front that I spent 21 years of my life in the US Marine Corps supporting everyone’s right to think, say and vote for who/what they want. I encourage everyone to vote, no matter who it is for.

After traveling/living in many countries around the world, ours is the best, even with its flaws. Second, this country is as free today as it always has been. President Obama has not done one single thing to take away our freedom. If anything, he has done a lot to keep us free. Third, Obama is not “bankrupting our great nation.” He is attempting to bring it out of the collapse that was started by the previous eight years under President George Bush. Obama would have been more successful in getting the nation out of this mess if the Republican party had been more supportive of his proposals. So much for a two-party system.

As for Obama attempting to make Gov. Romney look bad during the last debate, Romney does a pretty good job of doing that for himself.

Finally, Obama did not damage our credit rating; the Republican-led Congress did that by playing games. As for the economy, well that is a mixed bag. Yes, there are people out of work, but that is localized in pockets around the nation. Before you whine about the economy, go down to WalMart and watch all the folks spending money, a lot of money (by the way, that is a good thing).

I voted for President Obama. I think he will do a better job for this country (as he has for the past four years) than Gov. Romney. I did my homework and I take responsibility for my decision. That is what I spent 21 years of my life doing, protecting your right to vote for whomever you wish, even if you are misguided, misinformed and a fear monger.

Larry Condon


Via email
