
We can’t afford four more years

Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 10:47 PM


We are just 13 days from Election Day at the time of this writing. I am compelled to write one more time as my voice cannot be silent. I must stand up and speak up about the country I love, the United States of America. The rare times that we say the Pledge of Allegiance at an event, it still brings me to tears because I am thankful for a country that is still free.

What concerns me is what I have seen the past four years from our current administration. The honest truth is we are not as free as we were before Obama took office and those freedoms we all know and love are eroding more and more every day. So can we really afford four more years of a president whose full intent is to bankrupt our great nation on every front? I don’t think so. I know there has been a great swirl of information from the media. Sorry, folks, most of it is just a ploy to keep you off track, just as the demonstration we saw from Obama at the third debate. He kept pointing the finger at Romney to make him look bad and discredit his plan to rebuild our nation, while he himself never really did present his plan for improving the downhill slide that we are in.

What he has done in the past four years has not worked and it is not going to work. Our credit rating has been downgraded; our status as a great nation that the whole world looks up to has been downgraded. Our economy is still struggling; our job market doesn’t look good. The facts go on and on. For those who have not made up your mind yet. Do your homework, get the facts and take your responsibility as an American citizen to vote. I beg you please do not let your civic duty go by without you engaging in it. We cannot afford four more years of this false “Hope and Change” we have had.

Elaine Beecher


Via email
