
Montezuma-Cortez board discusses trimester system, CMS mascot change

Monday, May 21, 2018 4:44 PM

The Montezuma-Cortez District Re-1 school board on Tuesday discussed the 2018-2019 trimester system and Cortez Middle School’s plan to change its colors and mascot to match Montezuma-Cortez High School’s.

High School Principal Jason Wayman, trying to clear up questions about the trimester system, said he hoped the system would offer more flexibility in student schedules.

“My goal is to have kids graduate having taken every class they wanted to take,” Wayman said.

Wayman also explained that students taking Advanced Placement courses would still receive the required six credits, even if they took fewer than six classes. For example, he said, they would have four AP classes, and the other two would be broken into two college credits.

Board President Sherri Wright requested that an explanatory package be sent to parents and students and for Wayman to make sure the extra class time is used properly.

Drew Pearson, vice principal and athletic director of Cortez Middle School, presented a plan to change the CMS colors and mascot – a Jaguar – to match the high school Panthers. He said the change would lower costs for parents because they could use the same spirit gear and jerseys in high school. The change also would help the schools seem more unified. The middle school PTO unanimously supported the change, he said, and a majority of middle and high school staff supported it as well.

Student representative Noah Rainer and the board also supported the change but requested that Pearson consult with seventh- and eighth-graders.

Other board newsThe board played with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society Club’s “ball robots,” which the AISES club was awarded at a conference last year, and agreed to vote on a club request for an out-of-state trip. The club hopes to compete in national competitions in October in Oklahoma City.Brian Balfour was absent because he was attending the choir concert.Manaugh Elementary Principal Donetta Jones is retiring.No citizens addressed the board.Human Resources Director Dan Porter said the district is attempting to hire 14 teachers for the 2018-2019 school year.Jamie Haukeness reported that every district classroom now has a security radio, and all schools have cameras.Owner’s representative Jim Ketter reported to the board that abatement of the old high school building is scheduled to be completed before July, and demolition completed before August.Board actionsUnanimously approved its consent calendar including 2018-2019 contracts.Unanimously passed the consideration of nonrenewal for a teacher on probation.Unanimously approved two new staff positions: gifted and talented coordinators and a Wings coordinator.Unanimously approved, on first reading, the 2018-2019 budget.Unanimously approved the M-CHS students’ European trip, presented by Sonja Copeland at April’s meeting.Unanimously approved policies and revisions on second reading. The Claire Davis Act policies will not go into effect until they are passed on third reading.The board tabled a discussion on district facilities, in order to include Balfour to the discussion.The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
