
Tired of misogyny

Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 10:47 PM


I’m 65 years old and I’m tired. I’m tired of women being treated like children who require adult male supervision. I’m tired of a labor-force mentality which does not support the efforts of working women. I’m tired of a fertilized egg being deified by people who don’t give a tinker’s dang about how we’re supposed to raise the little darlings. I’m tired of men who come home and flip channels while their wife takes on her second job. I’m tired of women who accept these responsibilities because they must, and I’m even more tired of women who don’t.

Abortion is not an option any woman chooses without introspection. It’s a last resort. Before it became legal 39 years ago women practiced other methods, such as coat hangers, knitting needles and caustic chemicals, usually with injurious results. If abortion becomes prohibitive, women will return to crude and dangerous alternatives, with possible criminal charges to follow. That’ll teach us!

How about preventing pregnancies through accessible and affordable family planning and health services. Women: These options are available locally. Don’t wanna be a mommy? Take responsibility. Men: Making babies you can’t raise doesn’t make you a “stud.” It makes you a selfish scumbag. Wrap it up.

And avid pro-lifers? In the words of the late Jim Croce, “You say you love the baby and you crucify the man.” Spend your energy making life better for the kids who are desolate now. If you think there aren’t enough bodies to go around, maybe you could ask the Big Guy to take a break on the soul supply side.

Loraleigh Porter

