
3B: It’s the right thing for all of us

Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 10:47 PM


Bottom line: I am going to vote to support our schools and I hope that you join me in that.

First, the opportunity: More than $2 of value for every $1 that we invest because of the BEST grant. And what thoughtful person would scoff at an opportunity for leverage like we have with this BEST grant? This is a $63 million boost to our local economy and to our educational infrastructure. It’s a slam-dunk deal. It’s the right thing for all of us.

Second, the people: I know people on the school board, in the administration, and in the classrooms. They are good, caring and thoughtful people. They care about their responsibilities and our community. They look for and pursue opportunity.

Third, the cost: at 4¢ per acre of ag land per month, the new tax burden will cost MB and me approximately $100 per year in taxes for our land, and an additional $100 or so for our house. I could promise to give up our lattes to pay the taxes, but I enjoy my latte and the additional tax expense is hardly noticeable on top of what we now pay. I’m over that and I hope you are too — the additional taxes are not huge and represent an incredible investment in our community’s future.

Fourth, the opposition: The negative opposition is predictable and coming pretty much from the same people who say “nay” to everything that comes along for the betterment of this place. Look beyond that and do the right thing: Vote in favor of our schools, our youth, our community, our economic and social future. Be positive with an eye to what is out there for us to support and celebrate as we make our community better.

Vote “yes” on 3B.

Chuck McAfee


Via email
