
The Super PAC economic stimulus

Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012 10:53 PM


We bemoan the undue influence of wealthy people through Super PACS, but there is a silver lining. Think of their stimulus to our economy! In a way, the independent Super PACS tax the wealthy far beyond anything our federal IRS could do. These fanatic billionaires on both sides of the aisle, voluntarily take out multi-millions from their bank accounts and put them into the economy, enriching TV stations and newspapers primarily, but with ripple effects including increased employment, thus helping to reduce the jobless rate as well as generally stimulating the economy. About $2 billion dollars has come into the economy since January from both presidential candidates as well.

It is probably not what the right-wing billionaires wanted to do, although the left-wingers probably don’t mind. Paradoxically the right and left wing Super PACS have sort of canceled each other out, so their influence on the vote is small.

Finally, note that the jobless rate dropped to a historic low at the height of the political season, despite poor performance in the manufacturing sector. Maybe we will make it yet.

Bill Jobin


