
Medians may be OK; timing is not

Thursday, May 10, 2018 5:03 PM

If the median project has been in the planning stages since 2012 (Journal, April 27), why not wait another couple of months to start it?

That the project is planned to start at the height of tourist season is unconscionable not only for the current Main Street businesses and local traffic but for future tourists who will not come because their friends or family were held up in one-lane traffic through downtown Cortez on their summer vacation. Locals, such as myself, will begin using side streets, and during the summer when children are out of school, the increased traffic could be problematic.

Why not start the project after Labor Day? The project could continue into October, and if we get an early snow, you will have an idea of how easy (or difficult) it will be to do snow removal on Main Street with medians.

I recognize that the council has been transparent and given the public opportunity to speak on this issue, but the council must recognize that people’s attention spans are not that long, especially on an issue to which most people’s reaction is, “Why do we need medians on Main Street?”

Jan Saunders

