
3B: This is the time to do better

Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 10:21 PM


A drive-by of our high school is deceptive. Passing along Seventh Street, we see the bricks are in place, the windows and doors are intact, and the flag pole still stands. So what’s the problem? Actually there are multiple problems in this aging facility: asbestos, an inadequate electric grid, poor insulation, an outdated and inefficient heating system, and unsuitable labs. These are just the beginning of the list. We can do better. This is the time to do better.

The cost of replacing this inadequate building is the least it will ever be. What a bargain for Roberta and me to increase our property tax bill by $4 or $5 per month in order to acquire a wonderful new facility! What a lift for our students, our teachers and our whole community! The $22 million dollar BEST grant has been handed to us. If we say no, this one-time grant will be happily accepted by some other district.

Please vote “yes” on 3B. It’s for all of us. (If you have questions, visit the high school. Ask for a tour. See for yourself what the problems and the needs are.)

Shelby & Roberta Smith


Via email
