
BOCC meeting is not a candidate forum

Monday, May 7, 2018 2:03 PM

In response to Mr. Pope’s letter (Journal, April 24) that one of the candidates did not answer his questions at the board of county commissioners’ weekly meeting, the county commissioners’ meetings are not a public forum. It is where the commissioners tell you what they are doing, their policies, the direction they want to take the county, their calling up people they have questions for like the BLM or Forest Service supervisors. It is a place you can ask them questions and state your opinions.

It is not a place a candidate for that office to talk about their policies and what they would do. I do not blame this person for not answering your questions. This was not the place to hold their political rally. If you have questions for these candidates go to the forums they will have. I am sure there will be at least a few of them.

Larry Berger

