
Sports Briefs

Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 9:21 PM

Cortez Rec. youth girls basketball league

The City of Cortez Parks and Recreation department is now taking registrations for third-through sixth-grade girls youth basketball. The season begins Monday, Nov. 5, and continues until Saturday, Dec. 8. Cost to participate is $20, which includes a T-shirt jersey. Registrations are being taken at the Cortez Recreation Center and will close Friday, Oct. 26. Any questions, contact Joye McHenry at 564-4080. The boys season will take place in January, 2013.

M-CHS open gym basketball

M-CHS is having basketball open gym (sponsored by M-CHS and Cortez Parks and Recreation) for anyone who wants to play at M-CHS. Open gym is on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., now through Friday, Nov. 9. For more information, please contact school activities director, Jimmie Lankford, at 565-3722 ex. 2123.
