
Tipton, join Climate Solutions Caucus

Thursday, April 19, 2018 5:24 PM

With Earth Day approaching April 22, this would be the perfect time for U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton to join the Climate Solutions Caucus and become part of the movement to enact effective, bipartisan solutions to climate change.

The original Earth Day touched off the environmental movement, leading to the passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water acts, and to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency. This Earth Day, members of Congress should be similarly inspired to take the steps necessary to address the greatest environmental threat our nation and world have ever faced: climate change.

Rep. Tipton represents a district facing significant risks from climate change, as our area’s thriving multibillion dollar outdoor recreation and agriculture industries are threatened. From hotter summers to more intense droughts to earlier spring snowmelt and extreme weather patterns, not only is the lifestyle we love at risk, but our communities that depend on tourism and agriculture are threatened.

Janet Dahlquist

