
3B: A new building will not solve our woes

Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 12:14 AM


Don’t kid yourselves, and do not lie to us? Just how dumb do you think we are? More money and a new school will not cure the district’s problems. Unless you intend to pay students for getting higher scores? The real issue is student motivation. Our teachers do a good job! Students who want to learn do. Those who do not care will not. Until parents and students value education, the current problems in our schools will remain.

A new building will not solve our woes. You say that you want a new building and sports complex that our community can be proud of. I say that your priorities are confused. What we need is to be proud of our students and their accomplishments, not a building!

Vote “no” on 3B. It is a tax increase that will not resolve our problems!

Dale Foote

