
We do not need medians on Main Street

Monday, April 16, 2018 5:52 PM

It looks like the city of Cortez is just hell-bent on building medians on Main Street. I can remember when city officials actually paid attention to what the taxpayer wanted and what people consider good for the town that they live in. It seems as though those days are gone.

We do not need medians on Main Street. This is nothing but a waste of our money, and once added, they turn into a never-ending expense for the residents to maintain. This money could be used in a much better way by just maintaining what we already have, rather than adding something that we do not need and do not want.

Businesses in that section of town should take a stand against these medians, too. Many people who I have talked to have said that once the medians go in, they will no longer do business with anyone in that section of town. I am one of the people on that list.

This city belongs to the people who live here, not to the City Council and not to tourists that pass through once in their lifetime.

Speak up about what we think should be done to keep Cortez a good place to live. Put a stop to the pet projects that are at our expense and only benefit the city officials who authorize them.

Teresa Campbell

