
3B: Let us not squander this opportunity

Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012 10:51 PM


We believe that passage of the 3B ballot referendum is paramount to the continued vitality of our community. According to the School Youth Collaborative and the OMNI Institute survey, 99 percent of our local respondents said they value education for youth in our community. The proposed 3B initiative provides a unique opportunity to address the need for a new MCHS for half price.

The need for a new MCHS is very real. The current facility is antiquated in design, infrastructure and location. Remediation of the current facility is not at all cost effective. The only logical solution is a completely new facility at a suitable location.

As a community we have come so far with our public facilities. Let us come together once again and raise another facility for our community that is so needed. Please remember our past experiences with public spending on public facilities. Imagine our community without a modern detention facility, public library, recreation center, golf course and our impressive park spaces. We have faced tough decisions and we have prevailed. Let’s also embrace local education with our Yes to 3B vote.

The vitality of a community is gauged by its willingness to invest in itself. Let us not squander this opportunity.

We value education!

Jimmy and Laura Herrick


Via email
