
No room for attacks on the defenseless

Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 10:00 PM


At the Cortez City Park on Sept. 15, 2012, the largest group of people ever came out for the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s.” The attendees were patient, family, caregivers and friends of people with Alzheimer’s. The local committee, under the guidance of Southwest Colorado Director Elaine Stumpo and local coordinator Cindy Lichliter, put together a great agenda. Thanks go to many people who donated their time and resources.

People of the Great Generation are at great risk of this terrible disease. With the coming of age, the Baby Boomer Generation is at risk, also. Someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every 68 seconds. Everyone is at risk. No one is able to defend themselves against this disease, there is no drug to prevent it, stop it or reverse it. Medical science is working hard to come up with solutions.

In the meantime, volunteers and staff work hard to raise awareness and to raise funds. The funds raised here in Cortez, stay here. There is a “Walk” in Cortez each year. There is a local movement to wear purple on the last Friday of each month of the year as a way to remember and create awareness of Alzheimer’s.

In closing, I wish to remind your gentle and not-so-gentle readers that in a “civil society” there is not room for attacks on these defenseless people with Alzheimer’s. Whether verbal or physical, anyone conducting themselves in this manner cannot be tolerated.

Yes, this actually happened in Cortez. A man verbally abused a woman and turned on another woman whose husband is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Name calling was used and reference made to the man’s abilities. The women felt hurt and threatened by this man. Fortunately, the man left the business. There is no room in a “civil society” for any man to make those who cannot protect themselves feel at risk. This man should consider his own risk of getting this disease and be reminded that he should be civil. This man should consider his conduct and not let it happen again.

Judi Lichliter

Montezuma County Resident

Alzheimer Awareness Volunteer
