
March inspections: Pie Maker, Tabletop Pizza, Loop's Coffee ...

Monday, April 9, 2018 5:59 PM

The Journal publishes local restaurant inspection reports provided monthly by the Montezuma County Health Department.

Inspections of all retail food facilities are done yearly, and in some cases more than once per year. Unannounced inspections are conducted for restaurants, school cafeterias, hospital and nursing home cafeterias, grocery stores, convenience stores, fairgrounds, resorts, food trucks, festivals and any event or facility where food is sold to the public.

Melissa Mathews conducts about 145 retail food facility inspections every year for Montezuma and Dolores counties as the county Health Department’s environmental health specialist.

The comprehensive inspections are completed on-site and include compliance standards set by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. The categories are divided into critical and noncritical health standards specific to retail food facilities.

Critical areas are those that if not in compliance may cause foodborne illnesses. The categories include food sources, personnel, food temperature control, sanitation, water systems and plumbing, hand-washing facilities, pest control and poisonous or toxic items.

Noncritical areas are important, but have less risk of causing food born illnesses. The categories include food labeling and protection, equipment design and construction, testing devices, cleaning of equipment utensils and linens, and physical facilities.

Under Colorado law, any retail food customer can ask an establishment for its latest inspection report, and the facility is required to provide it, Mathews said.

Pie Maker17 North Harrison St., Cortez

Date: March 23, 1 hour

Critical Violations: 1

1. Food temperature control category: Cold hold at 41 degree Fahrenheit or less

Inspector Comments: Incorrect/unapproved use of “time as public health control” for cold holding. Observed quiche and hand pies with no temperature control, not adequately marked to indicate the time that is 4 hours past the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control. At the end of 4 hours the food is required to be discarded. Problem was corrected on-site.

Noncritical violations: 0

Tabletop Pizza44 W. Main St., Cortez

Date: March 28, 1.6 hours

Critical violations: 4

1. Personnel category: Hands washed as needed

Inspector comments: Employees observed no hand-washing when required. Employee went to the dining room and did not wash hands to begin working with food. Problem corrected on-site.

2. Personnel category: Hygienic practices

Inspector comments: Single-use gloves are used improperly. Employee touched face with gloved hand and did not discard when working with food. Corrected on-site.

3. Personnel category: Smoking, eating, drinking

Inspector comments: Open employee beverages or unapproved containers in food preparation areas.

4. Poisonous or toxic items category

Inspector comments: Personal medications and cosmetics are improperly stored. Observed antacid and pain reliever stored among equipment in kitchen. Toxic products are improperly stored in the facility. Observed Sungold and spray bottle of bleach solution stored on counter tops in food areas. Problems corrected on-site.

Noncritical violations: 0

Loop’s Coffee House and Bistro795 Railroad Ave., Dolores

Date: March 28, .7 hour

Critical violations: 0

Noncritical violations: 0

Denny’s2059 Main St., Cortez

Date: March 27, 1.3 hours

Critical violations: 0

Noncritical violations: 0

Community Center County Annex107 Chestnut St., Cortez

Date: March 26, 2.3 hours

Critical violations: 5

1. Food Source category: Cross contamination

Inspector comments: Equipment and food-contact surfaces are not cleaned and sanitized between changing processes from raw to ready-to-eat foods for from different species. Observed a bowl containing raw hamburger that left debris on counter top. The counter was wiped down with a soap-and-bleach solution. Problem was corrected on-site.

2. Personnel category: Hands washed as needed

Inspector Comments: Employees observed not hand-washing when required. Observed touching face, nose, mouth and not washing hands before going to next task. Problem was corrected on-site.

3. Personnel category: Hygienic practices

Inspector comments: Hand sinks are being used for purposes other than hand-washing. Observed 2-compartment sink being used to wash dishes, fill wiping towel solution, wash hands.

4. Sanitation category: Mechanical sanitization

Inspector comments: Facility not mechanically cleaning and sanitizing food-contact surfaces as required. Equipment still containing food debris after being washed through dishwasher. Problem was corrected on-site.

5. Poisonous or Toxic Items category: properly stored

Inspector comments: Toxic products are improperly stored in the facility. Observed chemicals being stored with containers that once stored food or are meant to store food.

Noncritical violations: 2

1. Cleaning of Equipment/Utensils category: Dishwashing operations

Inspector comments: Equipment or utensils are not prescraped, or when necessary, presoaked to remove food particles before ware washing.

2. Cleaning of Equip/Utensils category: Wiping cloths

Inspector comments: Wiping cloth solution has insufficient sanitizer concentration. Concentration of sanitizing solution not registering on the test strip. Mixing soap and bleach in the same bucket.

BPOE 17892100 N. Dolores Road, Cortez

Date: March 22, 1 hour

Critical violations: 0

Noncritical Violations: 0

Main Street Brewery and Restaurant21 Main St., Cortez

Date: March 22, 1 hour

Critical Violations: 4

1. Food Source category: Consumer advisory

Inspector Comments: Facility is serving raw and/or undercooked animal foods without a consumer advisory and/or the consumer advisory does not meet requirements. Facility has the disclaimer statement but not the disclosure of products that can be cooked to order.

2. Personnel category: Hands washed as needed

Inspector comments: Employees observed not hand-washing when required. Observed glove change after handling raw meats and no hand-washing. Observed employee touching face and nose and not washing hands. Problem was corrected on-site.

3. Personnel Category: Hygienic practices

Inspector Comments: Food employee observed wiping hands on soiled apron, clothes, or common towel, Problem was corrected on-site.

4. Personnel category: Smoking, eating, drinking

Inspector Comments: Employees observed eating, drinking, or smoking in non-designated areas. Observed employee eating a pretzel on the hot line. Open employee beverages or unapproved containers are observed in food preparation areas. Problem was corrected on-site.

Noncritical violations: 3

1. Food Labeling/Protection category: Food protected from contamination

Inspector comments: Foods are not thawed utilizing an approved method. Observed packaged salmon thawing under refrigeration. Package indicates to remove from packaging to thaw.

2. Cleaning of Equip/Utensils: Food-contact surfaces

Inspector comments: Food-contact surfaces are not clean to sight and touch. Observed knives stored in container with dirty handles, can opener is dirty and food slider is dirty.

3. Utensils/SNGL SVC Articles category: Utensils, provided, used, stored

Inspector comments: Clean utensils and equipment are improperly stored. Storing knives between equipment.

Cortez Livestock Auction23783 County Road M, Cortez

Date: March 21, 1.5 hours

Critical violations: 3

1. Food Source category: Cross contamination

Inspector comments: Cross-contamination of raw to ready-to-eat food is not prevented during storage, preparation, display, or transport. Observed employees with gloves put raw hamburger patty on the grill and then handling lettuce, tomatoes, etc. Problem was corrected on-site.

2. Food Temperature Control category: Food thermometer (probe-type)

Inspector comments: Food product thermometers are not sued by employees to determine food temperature. No thermometer on premise. Problem was corrected on-site.

3. Sanitation category: Manual Sanitization

Inspector comments: The concentration of the sanitizing solution was insufficient during manual ware washing,

Noncritical violations: 2

1. Equip Design/Construction category: Dishwashing facilities

Inspector Comments: When 3 compartment sink is utilized for warewashing the sequence will be as follows: 1. The sinks shall be cleaned and sanitized before use. 2. Equipment and utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned in the first compartment with a clean detergent and is mixed with water a temperature of at least 110 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. Equipment and utensils shall be rinsed free of detergent wit clean water in the second compartment. $. Equipment and utensils shall be sanitized in the third compartment according to regulation methods.

2. Testing Devices category: Refrigeration thermometer

Inspector comments: Thermometers for cold holding equipment are not conspicuously located in the upper one-third of the refrigeration unit or are not provided.

The Wigglin Pig1919 Rolling Road, Cortez

Date: March 16, 1 hour

Critical violations: 3

1. Personnel category: Wound properly covered

Inspector comments: Employee wound on finger not covered with bandage and glove. Problem was corrected on-site.

2. Personnel category: Hands washed as needed

Inspector comments: Employers observed not hand-washing when required. Problem was corrected on-site.

3. Food Temperature category: Rapidly cool foods

Inspector Comments: Potentially hazardous food is not rapidly cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit in 2 hours and from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within an additional 4 hours. Problem was corrected on-site.

Hamburger Haven108 Grand Ave., Mancos

Date: March 20, 1.3 hours

Critical violations: 2

1. Personnel category: Preventing food contamination from bare hands

Inspector Comments: Employee observed using bare hands to contact ready-to-eat foods. Handling taco shells, shredded cheese, buns, all bare handed. Problem corrected on-site. Repeat violation.

2. Food Temperature Control category: Food thermometer

Inspector comments: Food product thermometers are not used by employees to determine food temperatures. No thermometer is available. Provided facility with thermometer and provided training on use. Problem corrected on-site.

Noncritical violations: 1

1. Physical Facilities category: Plumbing

Inspector comments: Plumbing is not maintained. Hand sink is disconnected for repairs. Using alternate sink.

Lewis-Arriola Elementary School21434 County Road U, Cortez

Date: March 16. .75 hours

Critical violations: 0

Noncritical violations: 0

Yia Yia’s24064 Road K.8, Cortez

Date: March 16, 1 hour

Critical Violations: 0

Noncritical violations: 0

Millwood Junction101 Railroad Ave., Mancos

Date: March 9, 2.5 hours

Critical violations: 5

1. Food Source category: Consumer advisory

Inspector comments: Facility is serving raw and/or undercooked animal foods without a consumer advisory and/or the consumer advisory does not meet requirements. Facility has the disclaimer statement, but not the disclosure.

2. Personnel category: Hands washed as needed

Inspector comments: Employees observed not hand-washing when required. Observed employees not washing hands after touching raw fish being thawed and then touching other equipment. Observed employee touching beard and not washing hands. Employee coming to work and not washing hands prior to beginning work. Problem was corrected on-site.

3. Personnel category: Preventing food contamination from bare hands.

Inspector comments: Employee observed using bare hands to contact ready-to-eat foods. Observed employees on the hot line using bare hands on lettuce, buns, tomatoes, etc. Problem was corrected on-site.

4. Food Temperature Control category: Rapidly cool foods

Inspector comments: Potentially hazardous food products are not rapidly cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within two hours and from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within an additional 4 hours. Observed cooked chicken at 90 degrees Fahrenheit and one hour later the product was at 76 degrees Fahrenheit. The food is not cooling fast enough to meet the parameters. Problem was corrected on-site.

5. Food Temperature Control category: Cold hold1. Potentially hazardous foods are being held improperly at temperatures greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit at all times during the service. Observed sprouts stored in walk-in downstairs (used on the hot line for lunch) at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooked/cooled pasta was 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Swiss cheese, mont cheese and cheddar cheese at 70 degrees Fahrenheit on the hot line. Stored on top of ice bucket.

Noncritical violations: 2

1. Food Labeling/Protection category

Inspector comments: Foods are not thawed utilizing an approved method. Observed raw fish sitting out at room temperature. Still under 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Cleaning of Equip/Utensils category: Dishwashing operations

Inspector Comments: Equipment and/or utensils are not air dried after sanitation for mechanical ware washing.

Kentucky Fried Chicken2222 Main St., Cortez

Date: March 12, 1.9 hours

Critical Violations: 1

1. Personnel category: Hands washed as needed

Inspector comments: Employees observed not hand-washing when required. Observed employee mopping the kitchen area not washing hands when returning to station. Observed employee handling personal cell phone and returning to handle utensils and not washing hands. The problem was corrected on-site.

Noncritical Violations: 1

1. Equip Design/Construction category: Non-food contact surfaces

Inspector Comments: Non-food contact surface are constructed of unapproved materials, are in poor repair and not easily cleanable. Observed walls in the walk-in damaged and rusty.
