
Vandalism, arson at feral cat station

Wednesday, April 4, 2018 4:49 PM

We are saddened to report that vandals burned down a feeding station for feral and abandoned cats in Cortez this past week. We set up a replacement feeding station, but two days later the new one was vandalized. There was also a second fire nearby. Thank goodness, no cats were hurt.

What kind of people do this? Managed cat colonies are the only responsible and humane way to deal with these abandoned and often forgotten victims. They wouldn’t be there if some irresponsible person hadn’t abandoned them in the first place.

We put up this feeding station for Colony #25 seven years ago, with permission and enthusiastic support from the property owner. The cats of Colony #25 are all older, and already fixed and vaccinated. Over time, we’ve trapped, spayed and neutered 21 cats at that colony. Only six remain, and we haven’t had a kitten born there since 2011. We take responsibility for making sure these cats are fed and monitored as they go about their lives, away from people and disturbing no one.

As one of the police officers who responded to our call said, “They are just a few old cats trying to live out their lives in peace. Why can’t people leave them alone?”

Arson is a crime. If you know who did this, please contact the Cortez Police Department.

Cheri A. Valle, President For Pets’ Sake Humane Society

