
3B: The Cortez Chamber’s full support

Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012 11:13 PM


Strong schools and strong businesses go hand in hand in creating a flourishing community. Businesses look for communities that are supportive, progressive and provide excellence in education. Healthy businesses staffed with well-educated employees help grow the commercial tax base, ultimately relieving the property tax burden on homeowners.

There is nothing more important to a community’s development than its educational systems, and the Chamber fully supports school bond 3B. 3B, in conjunction with the BEST Grant, will maximize the investment by taxpayers, create jobs, generate economic impact and pay dividends far greater than the cost of the tax. A new school, able to provide the tools needed to educate our students for the future, will also help attract the best teachers.

We will never again be presented with such an attractive package. This one-time opportunity of a half-price school is the right plan, for the right reasons, at the right time. Please vote yes on school bond 3B for our high school, our children, and our community.

Dena Guttridge

Executive Director

Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce

Via email
