
Your vote this November will be crucial

Thursday, March 29, 2018 5:19 PM

This November, the stakes for the mid-term elections couldn’t be higher. Because of the consequences, I would like to encourage Montezuma County citizens to begin to consider the impacts of their upcoming votes.

At this moment in history, a few important issues should be at the forefront of voters’ deliberations. Voters should ask themselves, has the massive tax cut to the ultra-wealthy benefited their lives? Even if it has, that small tax relief is only temporary, and for the average individual and family, it expires in 2025. In the past year, the U.S. deficit has increased by a trillion dollars, and the current trend is it will increase $10 trillion over the next decade. How did this happen with the conservative GOP in control of the House, Senate and White House? Is this acceptable?

The lack of response by several of our representatives on the Federal Communication Commission’s vote to eviscerate net neutrality rules is appalling. These rules prevented broadband providers from slowing sites or demanding payments for faster delivery. This could impact everyone who uses the internet.

Finally, it seems that our current representatives have stood by while our president has said that he would “take the guns first, go through due process second.”

Deliberate now! Your vote this November will be crucial to these and many more issues.

Dan Miller

