
Rec center makes community healthier

Thursday, March 29, 2018 5:17 PM

Most all city residents now have their ballots in hand. One of the proposals is to extend and decrease the sales tax to fund the Cortez Recreation Center.

The rec center was voted on by the citizens of Cortez in 2001. It was constructed in 2003. The rec center was initially funded by a bond to pay for the construction and operations of the center. That bond will soon be paid off, but the center continues to require funding from a sales tax for operations and capital improvements.

The sales tax currently is 5.5 cents on every $10 spent in Cortez. The proposal is to reduce that amount to 3.5 cents on every $10 spent. That money is earmarked only for the rec center. The center was never designed to be self-supporting, as are most community rec centers.

I think most citizens value and use the rec center. It has been a great gathering place for kids attending basketball games, numerous fitness classes, the Silver Sneakers Program for retirees, community meetings and birthday parties and now a community garden spot! It is an attraction for new people considering moving to our area. I am a physical therapist and encourage my patients to pursue further exercise when finishing their rehabilitation.

Our community is a much healthier place as a result of the rec center. Please vote “yes” to extend this wonderful facility!

Debi Berger

