
There are better ways to protect schools

Monday, March 26, 2018 4:48 PM

When I read about arming teachers to make schools safer, I find it wrong in so many ways. Just recently, a teacher that is teaching gun safety accidentally had a gun go off in his class.

Then, the same day, a school safety officer had his gun go off in school accidentally. These are supposed to be people who know how to handle and shoot guns.

Arming teachers to make schools safe is like having sex for chastity. If there is a school shooter and the adrenaline is flowing, who is to say that teacher will not shoot the wrong person or another student?

How about when the police enter the building and see someone with a gun. Their adrenaline is flowing and they will shoot whoever has a gun, and this time it would be the teacher, not the shooter.

We don’t pay teachers enough for the hard job they do, and now, we want to make them police officers, too.

There are better ways to protect our schools.

I am a gun owner and have had guns since I was legally old enough to have one. I am a hunter, trap shooter and enjoy my firearms. I believe in sensible gun laws that are enforceable. No one needs a gun that can shoot 50 rounds or more in minutes. These weapons of war were meant to spray bullets in the killing field.

If you like to waste your money and just blast away, you should have to go the ATF and get a special permit just like with fully automatic weapons. They are worthless for hunting as a true sportsmen or for home protection. If you want a home protection weapon buy a shotgun.

Larry Berger

