
3B: A ‘yes’ vote is the only smart decision

Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012 9:38 PM


I haven’t written to a newspaper before, but the issue of our community getting, or not getting, a new high school is far too important for me to remain silent.

I served as a substitute teacher at MCHS for four school years, 2007-2011, and I’ve personally seen how out-of-date, inadequate, unsecure, unsafe, and undersized our classrooms and facilities are. I could go on and on about the dangerous asbestos tiles in the too-small auditorium, our gymnasium that isn’t large enough for some of our basketball games or graduation ceremonies, the heating/cooling problems, the power grid that will not support the computers that are a must for 21st century education, and the many entrances and exits that are very difficult to secure or monitor for safety.

I seriously cannot see that adding a couple of dollars each month to our property taxes should cause anyone to vote against a new high school. When the voters realize that the construction project will cause a local economy boom and provide many new badly needed jobs, and that because of a BEST grant we’d be getting the school for half price, a “yes” vote should be the only smart decision!

If we don’t take advantage of this opportunity now, we’ll end up paying 100 percent of the cost soon, because it will have to be replaced in the near future! Please vote “yes” on Proposition 3B for funding of a new high school. Do it for our children and for the future of our community.

Christopher D. Carlson


