
Far worse criminals than potheads

Friday, Sept. 21, 2012 9:41 PM


The dangers of Amendment 64 are clear indeed. Thank you, Sheriff Spruell, for pointing them out. Your concern for federal aid, and our state as being known as first in the union for anything, is so enlightening it’s really confounding. Taking (incoming District Attorney) Will Furse’s admission of lighter case loads into account, I feel forced to point at least one thing out. With the economic downturn, money must be a big issue for our county. How much does our county make in arrests? Speaking of money and the greater good of our state, didn’t some one sign a contract with our state for a new jail, a few years ago? Didn’t that multi-million dollar contract state our jail should have a usable yard? How’s that going? I say our leaders only fear for money, not our state. I know of far worse criminals then potheads.

Colin Kinkade


