
It’s time to take a stand for God

Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 11:03 PM


Two articles on Yahoo were entitled “Will science someday rule out the possibility of God?” and “God had a wife.” The articles weren’t as disconcerting to me as the comments posted afterwards. There were so many people who made fun of God, made fun of believers, or just didn’t care one way or another. In the comments I read, not one Christian stood up with a comment.

If you believe in God, it’s time to take a stand. Jesus said, “If you deny me before men, then I will deny you before my father.” We, as Christians, have a big responsibility to ourselves, our families and those we meet. Many say we are hypocrites. Well, Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. We don’t have all the answers, but the Bible does. We need God and we need to get back to God.

If you believe this, go to a church that preaches God’s word, read the Bible, learn. You won’t get all the answers right away, but you will get answers. If you don’t believe in God, think long and hard about that decision and talk to someone to learn who God is and what he wants for your life.

We are putting God behind our work, our families and making excuses. It’s time we put him first. After all, look at all he did for us.

Jo Shane

Pleasant View

