
3B: Our responsibility to the next generation

Monday, Sept. 17, 2012 10:20 PM


There is a school bond election coming up that needs our unanimous support.

School buildings are our responsibility to the next generation, not an option. The generation before us made sure we had adequate buildings and instructors. As Coloradans and as Americans, we take care of our own, right? At least we should.

The existing high school building doesn’t serve today’s students nearly as well as we would like, simply because it was designed and built at a very different time. Who can deny that technology has changed dramatically since the 1960s? We have asbestos, mercury, glaring life-threatening safety issues, classrooms with minimal ventilation, and the list goes on.

Those who say there’s no research showing spending equals grades must admit that under-spending surely can affect learning. Just remember when voting (or more so, not voting), these kids will someday be the ones who will be taking care of you and paying their taxes for your care and well-being. Their income and amount of taxes paid will have a lot to do with the education they’ve received.

Vote yes on the bond and build a better community now and for future generations.

Dena and Ed Guttridge


