
Montezuma County sex offender goes missing

Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018 5:58 PM

Montezuma County Sheriff’s deputies are looking for a man who failed to register as a sex offender on Jan. 18.

Scott Guzman-Gray, a county resident who has been convicted of misdemeanor sexual contact on a minor, is reportedly missing after he missed his required annual registry. On Feb. 20, deputies checked his last known address in the 19000 block of U.S. Highway 491, but found no sign of anyone living there. A warrant was issued for his arrest the next day, but according to the Sheriff’s Office records department, he has not yet been found.

According to the incident report by Deputy John Haynes, deputies’ last contact with Guzman-Gray was on Feb. 1, when he was trespassed from a home in the 24000 block of County Road F.5.

Heather Mann, of the records division, said state statute requires law enforcement to check in with sex offenders at least once a year, and Montezuma County deputies typically do it every other month.

On Feb. 20, Haynes wrote, there were no cars in Guzman-Gray’s driveway and no visible furniture or personal belongings inside his house. The front door had reportedly been tied shut with a piece of twine. Haynes said he called the last known phone number for Guzman-Gray, but a woman answered and said he had the wrong number.

Mann said Guzman-Gray is not considered a sexually violent predator, and because his crime was a misdemeanor rather than a felony, he did not appear on the sheriff’s online sex offender list until he failed to register. Guzman-Gray was not considered dangerous, Mann said.

As of Tuesday, his whereabouts remained unknown.
