
Don’t pass up Re-1’s opportunity

Monday, Sept. 10, 2012 10:29 PM


We have a chance to give our community and our children a chance for a first-rate educational experience, but the naysayers are adamant about ignoring that chance.

I agree the Re-1 has a hard row to hoe but let’s not put obstacles in front of it and punish the children of our community by immediately saying “no” without researching the issue. I would urge everyone to visit the Re-1 High School Bond Questions & Answers website at

Our school is old and needs to be brought up to current safety and technological standards. To do that with the current physical plant would require 75-80 percent of the cost of replacing it.

This bond is a relatively small price (being matched by the BEST grant program)to attract more teachers, doctors and entrepreneurs looking to relocate to our wonderful, unique city. When families visit, let’s have them say to themselves, “Wow, what a nice town! And look at the schools!”

When we improve our community’s children, we improve our community!

Jim Price



Editor’s note: Another website with information about the proposed project is
