
About the dumpster-fire Trump presidency

Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018 4:22 PM

Morally squalid, seedy, sordid and maimed: Our president is despicable, disgraceful, underhanded and contemptible. His words are shameful, unsavory, discreditable and sleazy.

Clearly, Trump is corrupt, democratically impoverished, lacking in reason and stupid.

But he won. Get over it, snowflake! Obama is the past, and the future now lies with him who has the larger, possibly civilization-ending button on his desk. And lest you forget, our president is not a decent person.

What is he really? My opinion: Our president is a crude, comfortably racist, unhinged fool, so let’s dump him. Why dump this chump? Because this man-child should not be president. Trump is an adulterer, a provocateur and a fear-mongering thief. Agree with me or don’t, but if you want to say it, say it while you still can. It is still a free country for now.

Yes, that was an ominous statement, and the president’s dumb tweets are portents. You waiting for the signs? Waiting for our grab-her-by-the-privates president to smash Muslims and immigrants everywhere? Maybe even make America white again? Was that offensive? I hope so.

This president has empowered racists! It is certainly offensive to every fiber in this American’s body. News flash: This isn’t the end times. This is our country in real time, and it is not a drill. This president isn’t good; he is not making America great, and unfortunately, he isn’t done.

There is a problem. Let’s not let this become an emergency. God Bless America.

Richard M. Feit

