
Emergency response exercise takes place this morning

Friday, Sept. 7, 2012 10:12 PM

Montezuma County will be conducting an emergency response and mass casualty exercise this morning, Saturday, Sept. 8, at 7268 U.S. Hwy. 491, outside of Cortez. The exercise will consist of a simulated plane crash, and will be conducted from approximately 8 a.m. until noon.

No road closures will result from the exercise but some short delays may result from the heavy emergency response traffic. The patience and cooperation from the citizens of Montezuma County is greatly appreciated while this necessary training is conducted.

The goals of this exercise are to test the abilities of local, state, and tribal agencies to respond effectively and collaboratively to a large mass casualty incident. Numerous local agencies from law enforcement, fire departments, EMS, and the hospital, as well as others, will be involved.
