
The grass is not always greener at other hospitals

Friday, Sept. 7, 2012 10:06 PM


From time to time I hear derogatory comments made about quality of care at Southwest Memorial Hospital and the local medical community. Let me offer a counterpoint. I have used local doctors, both primary care and orthopedic surgeons, many times. I have used Southwest MemorialHospital for needs ranging from emergency room, to hospital procedures, to hip replacement in OR. My wife used ER many times, OR for abdominal surgery and fractured hip repair, and inpatient facilities for end-of-life care. We have encountered nothing but kind and good quality care in a clean and well equipped facility managed by wonderful doctors and nursing staff. I think that people are sometimes governed by the “grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” mentality. For my part I will stay on this side of the fence, the grass is very green here as well.

George Dewell


Via email
