
Rain doesn’t stop Rico fireworks

Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 9:21 PM

The Rico Volunteer Fire Department decided to celebrate the Fourth of July fireworks on Labor Day weekend and they did it in style! In spite of a steady rain, yes-rain, they didn’t miss a beat. The sky was full of mist and beautiful rainy colors! We sat in our backyard with full rain gear and watched the rain drops drip off of the end of our noses. Meanwhile, up on the mountain, bunkers were rain soaked, but they did not falter. It was amazing that those firemen and women could keep the fuses dry, but they did-barely! There were bunkers hanging all over the station after the show. We have not had a Fourth of July with rain since we have been here 24 years and that is because the “Fourth” is normally too early for the monsoon season. September 1st is still subject to the rains and it did! We sometimes wonder how our fire department can manage some of the duties that they perform year after year. Thanks to all friends who donate to the fund for purchasing fireworks each year.

Julie and Steve Holt and grandson Chris of Gila Bend, Arizona were visiting grandma and grandpa Judy and Duane Holt of Gila Bend and Rico and they soaked up every bit of cool weather they could before leaving for the desert.

Also, Jonathan Hay of Phoenix and Rico, a Rico citizen and home owner has retreated into our mountain hamlet for some R and R. Friend Kenny Jahnke is also in Town for a few days having finished his work schedule up in the Dakotas.

The Women’s Club held their indoor yard sale in the Burley building over the weekend and with so many citizen’s in Town for the fireworks, they did a booming business. Thanks to all of you for your donations!

The Rico Museum has been enjoying lots of visitors this summer. The economy doesn’t seem to have prevented families from traveling this summer and with two new displays added this season, it is exciting for Rico and the Rico Historical Society to see these wonderful visitors enjoying some yesteryear mining and railroad history that made the southwest what it is today. Come on up and the Society will happily explain our displays, the historical books available and prints, notes and other art framed or unframed of our historical sites that have been restored like that old water tank with the water spout that has finally come home and has been mounted.

The Annual Rico Historical Society meeting will be held on Sunday, Sept. 30 at 2 p.m. The guest speaker will be Bud Davis who will enrich our historical perspective by recapturing the life and times of famous road and railroad builder Otto Mears who brought civilization and access to Rico. Members and non-members are invited to join us for what will be an interesting afternoon. Refreshments and interesting conversations will follow after. It will be held at the museum, of course!

Duane Holt registered a good 1/3 of an inch Saturday night during the fireworks.
