
Other districts need school supplies too

Monday, Sept. 3, 2012 8:20 PM


After reading the article about the “Adopt a Teacher” program, I Googled to get more information and discovered that several individuals plus many businesses in the county donated to the program. It appears to benefit the Re-1 school district only as they were the only ones mentioned as receiving supplies. It seems to me that the Mancos and Dolores school districts should benefit from some of those donations as well. Maybe they didn’t specifically ask for assistance, but aren’t the children in these other two districts part of the county and don’t they and their families do business in the area as well?

Actually, there was also an article stating that Dolores’s school population grew by 94 students this year. I imagine many of those students came from the Re-1 district. If Dolores and Mancos schools need to have a donation drive for their school districts, will the donors of the Re-1 district be as generous?

I am a parent of Dolores students and have asked if any donations have been made to the schools here in the way of school supplies. I do know that the Dolores High School is in great need of new math books as the ones being used now are at least 10 years old in some classes.

Bunny Russell


