
Urge Rep. Tipton to join climate caucus

Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018 3:33 PM

I am a conservative Republican and value integrity, freedom, and personal responsibility.

Like a growing number of Americans, I am concerned about our current administration’s policies regarding the environment and global warming. Former President George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain, and other prominent Republican leaders have spoken out about our need to reduce our carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, an issue that affects our economy, national security, and quality of life.

I applaud The Climate Solutions Caucus in the House of Representatives, who just added four new members, bringing the total up to 66! The caucus protocol is one of party balance, always maintaining an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. The growth of the caucus is an indication of the strong desire among members of the House on both sides of the aisle to move beyond partisan politics.

Republican co-chair Carlos Curbelo said in a press release, “The real-world implications of sea level rise were on display for all to see in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria last year. Since then, even more members of Congress have turned their concern into action by joining the Climate Solutions Caucus. This growing coalition of members from both parties and communities from across the country is essential to depolarizing climate issues and opening the door to ensure meaningful, bipartisan Congressional action is possible.”

Please join me in asking our Rep. Scott Tipton to join the Climate Solutions Caucus.

Ed Atkinson

