
Speak out when our values are denigrated

Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018 5:24 PM

On Martin Luther King’s holiday, I could not keep silent regarding the disconnect between what we proclaim as a nation (honor and respect for all people) and the tenor of the president of the United States.

Any individual whose only concern is for his own aggrandizement while denigrating those not from his class is not fit to lead a country whose motto is in part, “All men are created equal …”

Anyone who believes that dark skinned people live in “s**thole countries” and are not fit to enter the U.S. does not represent my country’s values.

A man who has said that U.S. Nazis have value yet neglects to comment when people of color are murdered, does not represent my country’s values.

A man who denigrates women and feels that the citizens of the country do not deserve to examine his taxes does not represent my country’s values.

A citizen of my country who apparently colluded with foreign governments for his personal benefit should not be representing our values.

It is time to stop justifying the words and actions of this elitist and call him out for being un-American. It is time to join the growing numbers, including my fellow Republican, U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham, who will not sit while this privileged narcissist makes a mockery of what we as a nation value.

Those who proclaim American values need to speak out when our values are mocked by this un-American president. Examine what you believe and speak.

Jim Skvorc

