
Respect Dolores trustees, mayor and staff

Monday, Jan. 29, 2018 4:25 PM

In response to Wendy Mimiaga’s utter dismay with the Dolores town board and staff (Journal, 12/22), several points are worth consideration.

The first is the oath of office sworn to by town trustees: “I do solemnly swear to the ever living God that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the State of Colorado, and faithfully perform the duties of the office of Trustee upon which I am about to enter.”

There seems to be no mention of the obligation of providing play areas for the town.

No one is able to undo decisions made with the best of intentions in the year 2002. A playground was constructed with treated wood on the banks of the Dolores River 15 years ago. The water table from the river caused the structure to rot and deteriorate. The toxins used to treat the wood are now known carcinogens, information not available at the time of construction.

The Ron Kotarski, Jr., Memorial Community Playground committee pledged to generate fundraising projects and a group to maintain the playground. This was never accomplished. The Town of Dolores operates on a very tight budget, and has the responsibility to ensure that the citizens of this community have clean water, sewage, snow removal, street repairs, stop signs, sheriff services, business licensing and many more services that support and maintain the well-being of this small community. The town trustees receive no remuneration for their services.

Santiago Lopez is the mayor of Dolores, and deserves respect as such. Many recent town meetings have been disruptive and professionally defused by the his calm demeanor.

We suggest that citizens think twice regarding “cleaning house and taking back the town.” We recommend that clarity of thought and reasonable expectations of the Town of Dolores replace finger wagging with the respect for the volunteers who take an oath to serve and support the Dolores town staff.

Sandy Lauzon


Editor’s note: This letter was signed by 18 additional residents of the town of Dolores.
