
Embarrassed to call Dolores my hometown

Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 12:36 AM


What is this country coming to?

After reading a letter in the Aug. 14 edition, I was compelled to write a letter. The letter mentioned two stranded girls that no one would stop to help. What ever happened to “help your neighbor”? Too many of us only think about what we want, not thinking of anyone else.

I also was disgusted with Escalante Days. I too have fond and not so fond memories of the Hollywood. I and family were allowed to carve in that old bar. The names of my father, stepmom and my brother were all on the bar. All have passed on now. Most people who live in this area have memories of the Hollywood. But it was a bar. It never brought families together, never brought business to Dolores except people who sat there, never created jobs.

The really bad thing was to watch people not even notice our flag as it went by. No hands on hearts, a lot of men not removing hats, no cheering for those veterans who served this country. Yet we were asked twice to have the PA system turned off and the kiddie train shut down so we could have a “moment of silence” for the Hollywood bar. It was embarrassing to me to call Dolores my hometown.

Some of the people who run the events need a morality check. Let’s remember who made a difference: not a bar. And what about the picture on the front page of the paper — only the float for a bar. No mention of the event winners or the events. How about a great story about an 80-year-old man who by 2 seconds beat out his whole family of loggers to win the chainsaw contest? This man made a business here, brought money into Dolores and created jobs. No mention of him. How sad. He is a non-replaceable human; that old bar is replaceable and will be replaced. Too bad our folks in Dolores (the barflies) don’t have enough respect for humans than they do a dusty run-down old bar.

Vicki Harris Broderick

