
We need a thinking person to replace Tipton

Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 12:36 AM


A few weeks ago, we listened to Scott Tipton on a community town hall call in. He made several comments that concerned me.

First, he stated that no one in Montezuma County could get Denver news. On our TV translator, we get Denver News as well as Albuquerque and Salt Lake City news.

Second, he stated that all Medicare recipients are suffering from higher payments since the implementation of “Obamacare.” However, my Medicare payments have dropped $35 a month since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

I wonder if Scott Tipton is out of touch with Montezuma County.

After listening to Scott Tipton’s views on carbon dioxide levels and global climate change, I also wonder if he is out of touch with documented scientific evidence. We need a thinking person to help us through this situation.

Leona Ryter


