
Bike Rodeo, Kiddie Parade numbers actually went up

Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012 6:51 PM

Dear Editor:

On behalf of the entire Dolores Chamber of Commerce I want to thank everybody for their participation and help during Escalante Days. Shannon Livick of the Star did a marvelous follow-up article. However I forgot to share with her an event that actually was better attended than ever before on Friday. That was the Bike Rodeo. It was sponsored by the Dolores Medical Center and the Dolores Rotary Club. So first I must apologize to Dr. Burnside, Linda Burnside and the Rotary Club for giving the impression that the event was also down in numbers when actually just the opposite was true. The Bike Rodeo was a huge success with the most participants ever and a big increase in those helping make that event a success. The Bike Rodeo is a vital event for our Escalante Days and is a tremendous compliment to the Kiddie Parade. (Which was also up slightly) So again I apologize to those that put on the Bike Rodeo for my error in lumping all of Friday’s events together as far as turnout goes.

Stuart Hanold

Dolores Chamber of Commerce Director
