
Local greens endorse Jill Stein for president

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 11:25 PM


The Southwest Colorado Greens, the local chapter of the Green Party of Colorado and the Green Party of the United States, have unanimously agreed to endorse the presidential candidacy of Dr. Jill Stein. Dr. Stein was recently chosen to represent the Green Party of the United States at its political convention.

We understand that Dr. Stein has little chance of winning the presidential election. However, we find that the well-known Democratic and Republican candidates demonstrate little difference from one another, outside the rhetoric they fling at one another. In addition, we find that neither one has presented the policies and programs necessary to effectively resolve the very serious problems facing our country and the federal government.

We urge you to get to know Dr. Jill Stein better. Consider her when you decide for whom to vote. Dr. Stein is a physician and an environmental health expert, with political experience in her home state of Massachusetts. Since it is unlikely she will receive much exposure from major media outlets, we recommend the following websites where you can learn more about her: (biography) and (her positions on a number of issues).

Curtis Heeter



Southwest Colorado Greens

Via email
