
This election offers a clear choice

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 11:25 PM


In answer to the letter in Thursday’s journal “Can’t go wrong with Ryan,” I would say you can go very wrong with Ryan. For some of his unfunded votes for a starter; voted for first round of Bush tax cuts, 5/26/2001. Voted yea to invade Iraq, 10/10/2002. $1.3 trillion and counting. Voted yea on second round of Bush tax cuts, projected to cost $4.4 trillion over the next decade. Voted yea for Bush’s Medicare prescription drug plan, cost $730 billion. All unfunded votes! I ask, if it’s so good for our economy to give tax cuts to the super rich, how come it didn’t help our economy? Ryan also backed cuts in Medicare. Instead of regurgitating what Fox News says, check out any of the fact checks on the net. is a good one.

As for “cutting” $700 billion from Medicare, Obama did not take one dollar from Medicare. The changes in Medicare by the administration are aimed at insurance companies, hospitals, and Medicare Advantage, which costs more than traditional Medicare. Also, policies from the Obama administration recovered over $4 billion in waste in Medicare and increased the solvency of the program for eight more years, to 2024.

There is a very clear choice in this election. Vote for the Republican Party (it should be the Conservative Party, moderate Republicans are now independents) and not move forward in the many areas this country needs to move, or vote for Democrats who want to move this country in the right direction but have been blocked by conservatives. As Romney and Ryan push for more drilling and mining coal, the world has seen the hottest year since records have been kept. Fires, drought, floods, crops destroyed, yet they want to not only keep burning fossil fuels but discourage alternative energy sources. Yes, there is a clear choice in this election. Get informed and vote to move keep moving this country forward.

Larry Berger


Via email
