
Casida makes ballot for 3rd congressional district

Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012 10:45 PM

Unaffiliated candidate Tisha Casida has qualified for the ballot in the Western Slope’s congressional race.

She will face incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez, Democrat Sal Pace and Libertarian Gregory Gilman.

Casida, a Ron Paul ally, has cultivated support among some Republicans in the district.

“My candidacy is about representing the voice of many people who are either not affiliated with a political party or who are frustrated with their political party,” Casida said in a news release.

Casida needed 800 signatures from voters in the district. She initially failed but got a month to fix the problem. She ended up with 921 valid signatures.

Now that she is on the ballot, Casida also will be included in a Sept. 8 debate in Grand Junction sponsored by Club 20.

Unaffiliated candidates Jaime McMillan and Dale Reed are running write-in campaigns.
