
You can’t go wrong with Ryan

Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012 10:44 PM


Mitt Romney has finally figured out what he needs to do to get the conservatives on his side. He picked a conservative. Not just any conservative but one with brains, guts, love of his country and one who believes in running this country according to the Constitution and our Founding Father’s vision.

Paul Ryan is truly a good man, a decent God fearing man who loves his family and his country. You can’t go wrong with this one. I know the liberals are screaming he’s going to raid the Medicare the elderly depend on but he would certainly find it empty as Obama has already raided it of 1/2 trillion to support Obamacare.

How can anyone in their right mind even consider putting Democrats back in control after Senator Reid went on the floor of the Senate and lied, even admits he doesn’t know if it’s true, about Romney not paying taxes. Come on now. How can anyone believe Romney could get away with not paying taxes for 10 years? All it takes is just a little common sense and research to know who the liars are. You have to realize when a party resorts to lying to win they have no more ideas, can’t run on their record and definitely have a leftist socialist agenda.

Politicians such as Obama and his cohorts will kill this country and the freedoms we all cherish. Listen to their diatribes against Christians, parents, Republicans, Romney has finally figured out what he needs to do to get the conservatives on his side. He picked a conservative. Not just any conservative but one with brains, guts, love of his country and one who believes in running this country according to the Constitution and our Founding Fathers’ vision.

Catherine Spencer


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