
Vote to allow electrics at Narraguinnep

Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018 9:49 AM

Attention All Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company shareholders: At the upcoming annual MVIC members meeting on January 20, I intend to bring up for discussion and a vote of all members the use of electric trolling motors on hand-launched watercraft at Narraguinnep Reservoir.

Currently, the policy set by the MVIC Board does not allow electric trolling motors. This is contrary to their use being allowed on McPhee and Groundhog Reservoirs. The same water flows into Narraguinnep. There is no logical reason to not allow this use on Narraguinnep.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife has also stated their disagreement with the MVIC policy, and stated that electric trolling motors offer zero risk of transporting Zebra mussels.

The discussions regarding other trailered motorized boats on Narraguinnep will have to wait for a later time, as the main issue is the lack of funding for Zebra mussel inspections at Narraguinnep. That is a more complicated issue involving state funds and our cumbersome political budgeting process.

Please discuss electric trolling motors with your local MVIC board member to understand the objection to them, and please come cast your vote in favor of changing the policy at the annual members meeting on Saturday, Jan. 20.

Russell Montgomery

Dolores and Telluride
