
Firemen at Dolores convention assisted in Hollywood fire

Friday, Aug. 10, 2012 10:57 PM

Dear faithful readers: Last weekend, as you know, being a reader of the Dolores Star, I read that Dolores Fire District hosted the 3-State/3 day Fire District Convention. Our Rico Fire Department arrived Thursday evening and spent that night assisting the Dolores firemen and women in trying to save the Hollywood Bar and its neighbor from a total loss. We were told that perhaps as many as 60 to 70 members (many out-of-town convention attendees) had arrived early and were able to give assistance. Those fire people were up all night and did not have time to rest because of the convention schedule, and finally found their way to bed late Friday. When one is a fireman, no whining is allowed. Well, maybe some. What do I know about that kind of stuff, anyway?

Losing the Hollywood is upsetting to many because it has been around forever. Truly a landmark and always willing to support many of the organizations who assist others that are not as fortunate as some.

This is mid-week and the light thunder we hear is a reminder that we probably will receive a nice shower before dinner tonight. We find it a true blessing that the monsoon season arrived — and not a moment too soon — to save our forests. Actually, it saved our State of Colorado from burning up. The anguish suffered was unbelievable in Colorado Springs and all the other sites. We hear through the grapevine that the bean crops in West Dolores county may turn out better than expected for some farmers.

Rico Women’s Club met recently for their regular meeting at the home of Laurie Adams. Discussion centered around final ways-n-means plans for one of their special ideas, a yard sale at the Burley building on Monday, Sept. 3. Come on up, because it will be a good one!

Jenny Nunley and daughter, Kaitlin and Kelby just returned from their usual summer vacation. They enjoyed perfect weather on an island just off of Tampa, Florida. Everyone should have an opportunity to get away from work and all the things that we all find tedious at times! It is refreshing. One just might live a longer life also! All work and no play ... !

Marlene Hazen has lived in Rico for two decades. An active member of the community, she participates in organizations such as the Rico Women’s Club and Rico Historical Society.
