
Journal does not even try to be balanced

Thursday, Jan. 4, 2018 1:14 PM

Once again The Journal has shown that it is nothing but a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. The latest editorial (12/21) criticizes President Trump and the Republican Party once again. I haven’t been counting, but isn’t that at least seven or eight times since Trump was elected? I don’t recall any negative editorials towards Obama and Democrats during his entire tenure.

And you want to talk about being dismissive and contemptuous? Didn’t Obama and The Democrats shove health care down the American peoples’ throats, despite polls showing an overwhelming majority were against it? Where was the criticism when Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass it so we can see what’s in it? Not to dwell on the past or anything. I’m just merely pointing out how biased The Journal is. You don’t even try to show some semblance of balance.

Is the editorial staff so ignorant they can’t see scandal or wrongdoing on both sides of the aisle? Or are they blinded by their idealism? I think it’s the latter. For example, The Journal has done several stories on the plight of the illegal alien seeking sanctuary at a Mancos church to avoid deportation. That is a very compelling story. However, have you ever done a story on just one of the thousands who have been victims of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens?

Wouldn’t that be compelling as well? There is one thing we agree on. Politicians do not listen to their constituents. But we can fix that at the voting booth.

Grant Moore

