
40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, July 28, 1972 Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:40 PM

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carrigan and family went to Grand Junction to attend a family reunion at the home of his parents.


Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams and family spent the weekend camping in the hills.


Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sundquist, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sundquist Jr., Charlotte, Chris and Lori spent the weekend in Durango visiting Mr. and Mrs. Minor and Beth. Sunday all of them went to Silverton to visit the Odom family.


Mr. and Mrs. Jody Baker and son Mark of Lookeba, Okla., spent Friday night with the Millards. The Millards and Bakers went fishing at Groundhog Saturday. The Bakers are also visiting other relatives and friends in the area.


Allen Lee from Colorado Springs attended a class reunion the 22 and 23 of July, and also visited his mother Irene Lee.


John Butler and family of Palisade were here for a class reunion and visited his mother W. L. Butler.


Mr. and Mrs. Art Markendorf and daughter were here visiting her grandmother, Caddie Plumlee on their way home to Topeka, Kansas. They have just returned from spending several weeks in Japan.


Charles Porter is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter. They will be going camping for a few days this week.


Homa Cline had a Pinochle party Saturday evening. Helen Fogel won high for the ladies and Jim Porter won high for the men.


Gene and Martha Gustin went to Salt Lake last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Elton Varner and family of Salt Lake visited the Jess Dufurs recently for a few days.


Mr. and Mrs. David Butler returned to Denver Sunday after visiting his mother, W. L. Butler and other relatives in the area.


Lenore Lee was hostess at a Bridge party Friday morning. Those attending were: Greta McQuaid, Callie Lofquist, Rowena Porter, Margaret Nielson, Helen Fogel, Homa Cline, June Merritt, Norma Jane Butler, Mary Jane McRae, Mildred Denby, Emmy Froede and Pat Tipton. Prize winners were: Lenore, high; Homa, second high; and Pat won the guest prize.


Judy Martin and children and Mrs. Mae Murray and son Dennis of Tacoma, Wash. were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Lois Rash.


William Oakes went to Albuquerque Monday for his service physical and returned Wednesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gustin and family are on vacation in their new camper. They spent last week in Salt Lake City and this week are spending some time in the mountains.


Mr. and Mrs. Jarret Williams of Colorado Springs were here over the weekend of July 7 and visited her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sundquist.


Georgia Lynch returned home Monday July 17 from Grand Junction were she had been visiting her son, George Lynch and wife, her older brother, Alonzo Moore and wife, along with other friends.

