
80 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, July 29, 1932 - Fred Bradshaw, Editor

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:40 PM

“Yes Sir, That’s My Baby,” a Rico home talent play, will be rendered at Memorial Hall this evening. The play is being sponsored by the local civic club and will be followed by a dance.


Mrs. W. A. Stroud, of Uniontown Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flint, of Lamar, are here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stroud. Wednesday the Strouds and their guests made the trip around the circle by way of Ouray and Silverton.


To encourage Colorado housewives to can, dry, brine or store plentiful supplies of vegetables, fruits and meats, an intensive campaign is being conducted throughout the state by the Colorado agricultural college extension service.


Mr. and Mrs. Ed Akin drove to Durango Wednesday on business, returning that evening.


Mrs. Fannie Wade, of Mancos, came over Monday and spent several days with her brother, Martin Rush, and family.


H. C. Metsger and wife came in this week from Avon, Colo, and he is inspecting the certified seed potato crops that were planted last spring.


Albert Stroud and Bill McCormick will leave today for a trip to Los Angeles and other points. They expect to drive most of the distance at night to avoid the heat.


Fishing remains “the bunk” according to most who were out last Sunday. There is not explanation other than “they don’t bite.”


Dolores County Commissioner Sam Conn and wife were in from Dove Creek country Monday, buying supplies. Mr. Conn says a rain would help crops in his section.


Mrs. Geo. A. Thornton and son are visiting here this week with “Pop” Thornton of the Stroud store. Mrs. Thornton is a home economics teacher in the Fowler high school.


T. H. Mathison will preach at the town hall every Sunday morning at 10:30 for some months to come. Everybody is invited. A very important subject on Sunday, July 31.


Mr. and Mrs. Newell Musgrave entertained at dinner Tuesday evening for the Misses Thelma Bear and Wilma Spence. The young ladies also spent the night at the Musgrave home.


C. T. Farmer and a brother were here this week from Missouri and Kansas, the former Dolores pastor attending to matters in connection with his ranch on the Cortez-Dolores road.


Jess Robinson was down from Bear Creek Wednesday bringing his daughter, Mrs. Ross Nickson who took the railroad bus fro her home at Durango. Mrs. Nickson has been visiting at Bear Creek.


A meeting of the Dolores Civic Club was held in the Town Hall Tuesday, 19, with ten members present. We all enjoyed a report from one of our delegates, Mrs. K. Tucker, from the convention held in Durango. Mrs. Stroud was the other delegate from Dolores.


Mrs. Mildred Tucker was hostess at a delightful bridge party Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. L. Owens held high score and received the prize. The hostess served a lovely luncheon after the games and all enjoyed a social hour. The guest were: Mesdames Greene, Owens, Jim Porter, Lilly, Lee, Harkey and Otho Morrison.

