
Mesa Verde Gardeners encourage participation in County Fair

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:39 PM

Mesa Verde Gardeners encourage all amateur gardeners or arrangers in Montezuma and the surrounding counties to participate in the Montezuma County Fair Horticulture/Agriculture/Design Show which runs from August 2-4. There will be lots of prizes for best entries in every class. Classes include: Flowers, fruits and vegetables, foliage, herbs, houseplants and floral design. Pick up a Fair Book from the Extension Office for complete details; entry tags are also available. Entries will be accepted on Wednesday, August 1st from 3-8 pm. FLORAL DESIGN ENTRIES REQUIRE PRE-REGISTRATION BY JULY 31st TO RESERVE A SPOT. Please call 565-2598 and leave a message if no answer. If you have questions or for further information about the Show call Mary Ann Bruner 565-9158.
