
Show respect to other public land users

Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017 8:53 PM

As a user of public lands, waterways and roadways, I pay fees for licenses, tags, registrations and habitat stamps – all to be able to keeps the land and access available.

All of us who pay these fee are paying for bike lanes and mountain bike trails as well as keeping waterways open for everyone to enjoy.

The problem is that bikers, kayakers, paddle boarders and hikers don’t share in these costs to maintain and add miles of additional trails in places like Boggy Draw and Sagehen.

The 2017 hunting season was hard enough, but add in a mountain bike riding hell bent through a very good herd of elk without any regard for conservation or other folks using the same area, and it becomes much harder.

I would never go to Phil’s World to hunt during a bike event. Please give me the same respect during hunting season, or at least help pay the way. Make every user get a habitat stamp or registration.

Jerry Davis

